hotels and holiday homes worldwide
airline from low-cost to
routes in all categories
drivers from 23 partner companies across
the country compete for you
destinations with 500 car rental
of resorts and apartments for those who like
to travel with 4+ people
unique experiences await you in 690
locations worldwide
Link your wallet to begin exploring the platform. Use popular wallet providers like MetaMask, Coinbase, and more to securely connect and manage your tokens.
Purchase Fireflies Tokens (FFT) through Coinstore or at the OTC menu. Start your journey by acquiring FFT to access exclusive opportunities and benefits.
Stake your FFT tokens to earn rewards and maximize their potential. You can also spend tokens within the platform for added benefits while supporting the network.
Launch of Fireflies Web3 platform with 3 key features:
Integration of FFT, USDT, and USDC payments on Fireflies for the following services:
Launch of FFT Partner Program New service with FFT payment option:
Enable FFT payments with FFT Partners New services available for FFT payments:
Coming soon!